Use OfferGoose on Your Desktop
Use OfferGoose on Your Phone
The OfferGoose Formal Interview feature identifies interviewer questions in real-time during your actual interview and offers instant, tailored responses. These responses are auto-generated using your resume and job description.
Before your first formal interview, let's run a quick test.
<aside> 📢 Please ensure you do not switch audio devices during the interview!
Here are three ways to test the system:
While this testing method requires a friend's help, it provides the most authentic practice experience. Here's how to set it up:
Create a video meeting using any video meeting platform
Have your friend join the meeting from their device or using your own phone (or your another device).
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If you join the meeting using your computer, speaking won't be recognized because the sound is transmitted through the microphone, while recognition is done through the speakers. So you need another device to join.
Move the meeting to the top left corner; it's just to make using OfferGoose more convenient. Placing it in the top right corner won't affect recognition either
Have your friend ask some questions. The left section contains recognition question, and the middle section provides responses, The right section contains the conversation history.
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Not working?
Make sure the audio device in your meeting software matches the one in OfferGoose settings!